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Beets (παντζάρια)

It’s winter time and yes, the beet dishes are all over the internet, in your markets, in your grocery bags and on your table.

I can remember beets beyond a part of my family’s cuisine since I was a young, Greek “palikari”.

I’m going to show you beets done 2 ways: the first is the simple, Greek family style beet salad and the second is also a beet salad with Greek ingredients, from the luvable southern belle, Paula Deen.

Beet Salad (παντζάρια σαλάτα)

1 bunch of beets (with greens)
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
3 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar

1 clove of garlic, minced

salt and pepper to taste

  1. Cut the bulbs of the beets from the greens and rinse. Wrap the beets together in aluminum foil and roast in the oven for 40 minutes at 400F. Allow to cool before handling.
  2. In the meantime, fill your sink with cold water and soak the beet greens to remove sand and grit. You may have to repeat this process one or two more times to remove the dirt.
  3. Get a pot of water to boil and and salt. When the water boils, chop your greens and throw them in the water and count 5 minutes from when the water returns to a boil to know they have been cooked.
  4. Strain the beet greens and blanche them in a strainer with cold running water. Allow the water to drain.
  5. Open the foil around the beet bulbs and peel away and discard the skins (you want to use gloves as the beet juices are also a strong dye).
  6. Cut the red beets into wedges and place in your salad bowl along with the beet greens.
  7. Add your olive oil, vinegar, garlic, salt and pepper and toss to coat.
  8. Adjust seasoning and serve cool or room temperature.

Next up, we have a Roasted Beet Salad from Paula Dean. Even though I haven’t tried many of her recipes, I love her like an aunt and I’d love to have her over for dinner…she’d be a riot, Y’ALL!

I was so impressed with the ingredients in this salad…beets, garlic, pitted olives, olive oil, vinegar, dill – all topped up by a piece of feta cheese! This dish screams of Greek influences. My bet is the southern belle (Paula) must have knicked this recipe from a Greek friend.

Today, I’m taking it back!

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16 Responses

  1. Peter, Hello! I tried visiting the other day and I could not open your site. Boy, did I miss a great cup of Greek coffee!

    Beets! Wonderful. . .And I had no idea that they were a Greek dish specialty. You see, My Grandpa is wonderful at growing several rows of beets in his garden every year. One of my favorites was pickled beets. I am hoping this is not a disgraceful way of enjoying the lovely beet. . .but I also enjoy pickled salmon, so there you go.

    Here Grandma and I have always been cutting away and discarding the tops to the beets and you have them added into the salad. Now I am curious and I will have to relate this to Grandma. Thank you for all your wonderful comments, they have been such a nice addition =).

  2. Another delicious beet recipe! I’m a beet lover from way back, so I am very pleased to find all these great beet recipes on my favourite blogs.

  3. Hi Peter, I love beets! Although I have never tried the greens that come along with it. How do the greens taste?

    1. Beet green are such a treat. They cook like fresh spinach, and taste naturally SWEET. You’ll love it♡

  4. I love the beet salad and you are right have been seeing beet salads a lot lately. I just wanted to add to your recipe about the greens. Not all of them are suitable for boiling, just when they are tender.

  5. When I was in Greece I had beets in one way or another every second day, greek salad every day and horta…never got tired of any of it! Lovely fresh ingredients!!

  6. I was a bit lazy in eating beets till I recently discovered a wonderful beet-carrot and peas stir fry to go with our rice! boy, am I hooked!!

  7. I love beets, I love beet greens, I can eat a whole plate by myself! For the greens, we eat them so long as they aren’t yellow or ragged. The older ones are particularly good in soup. And I’m glad to see you roasting them – that is definitely the best way!

  8. I like the idea of having both the roasted beets and the greens in a salad. Paula Dean’s beet salad sounds really tasty with roasted beets, olives, feta and dill.

  9. My husband loves beets. I, unfortunately, never had any good experiences with them. After seeing these, I’m thinking I may have to give beets another shot, Peter. :)

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