Home » Legume » Chick-Pea (Garbanzo) Salad

I cannot say that I’m crazy about chick peas but I tried this recipe out when I bought Jacques Pepin’s The Short-Cut Cook and I tried it out of curiousity as I had some leftover coriander from another recipe.

The flavour is remarkably tasty, a little zest and creamy. It’s best served the next day. If you’re not crazy about coriander, this side will change your mind. I offer it with a summer BBQ with chicken & ribs and you soon will too!

1 can (16 oz) chick-peas, drained & rinsed
3 tbsp hot red salsa
3 tbsp mayonnaise
3 green onions, cleaned & minced fine
1 large clove garlic, minced
1/4 cup coarsely chopped coriander
1/4 tsp salt

  1. Mix all the ingredients together and served at room temperature.

7 Responses

  1. this sounds good! i just found you through Nicole’s post linking to your roasted red pepper preservation method and subbed you in my bloglines right away. your recipes look great and i can’t wait to try some!

  2. Kayln, this salad is good be it summer or winter.

    Singinole, welcome to my lil’ food world and let me know how the recipes turn out!

  3. A creamy salad-version, interesting, I usually use Michael Chiarello’s recipe which us more like a vinegrette.

  4. This sounds great! I love both chick peas and coriander – in a creamy sauce! Sounds great!

  5. Not a huge fan of mayo based salads, but I love cilantro and chickpeas, may be worth a try :)

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