Home » Greek » Greek Roasted Potatoes

Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines preheat your ovens.

From the time it takes you to read this article, peel some potatoes and dress them with olive oil, lemon juice and herbs, you’re going have some spuds in the oven and it less than hour, those crispy, golden-brown potatoes you love and enjoy at your Greek friend’s home or favourite Greek restaurant.

You know you love them, you crave them – you want them more than the main course. You adore that golden-brown colour, the edges just slightly burnt, crispy.

That smell of olive oil, lemon juice and herbs wafting from the oven and up to your nostrils. Yes, it’s those same Greek potatoes. How do they do it?

It’s almost embarrassing to even call it a recipe but here it goes…pre-heat your oven to 450F, middle rack.

You want to use either Yukon Gold or Russet potatoes. They work best with Greek potatoes. You will also need some olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper and a splash of water.

Depending on your mood, you may want to toss some herbs into the mix. Being a Greek, our bias is towards dried oregano but thyme, marjoram or sage would also work. How about a blend like Herbs de Provence? If you’re using dry herbs, show some restraint and just add a teaspoon or two (max), as dry herbs can burn.

Another way to pep up your potatoes is to use chicken stock instead of salt and water. Often times, chicken or vegetable bases also work wonderfully with Greek roasted potatoes.

If you’re really feeling fancy, try adding some spices, like paprika in to the mix. The possibilities are endless. What remains is the one constant…Greek roasted potatoes are blasted at 450F until crisp on the the ouside, that familiar golden-brown and a fluffy fork-tender inside.

Greek Roasted Potatoes

Yukon or Russet potatoes, peeled and cut into wedges

olive oil

fresh lemon juice + equal part water

salt and pepper

some dried Greek oregano (other herb of choice)

Pre-heated 450F oven

  1. After you’ve peeled your potatoes and cut them into wedges, drizzle some olive oil, add the lemon juice and water and season with salt and pepper and the oregano.
  2. Toss to coat and have a quick taste of the liquid and adjust seasoning accordingly.
  3. Place in the pre-heated oven and roast (a full baking tray) for about 45 minutes or until golden-brown and fork-tender.
  4. Remove the potatoes from the oven and with a spatula, separate and lift the potatoes so that they don’t stick. Gently toss to coat the potatoes with the residual olive oil.
  5. Serve imediately with your main course.

Note: Do not overcrowd the roasting pan with potatoes. Overcrowding will steam your potatoes – not roast them. If they look too dense in the pan, move up to a larger pan.


51 Responses

  1. I’m making lamb on the grill this weekend and want to make these potatoes too, but I fear it might get too hot to boost the oven inside the house up to 450 degrees. But then again, maybe I will anyway. They look so good and would be perfect with the lamb.

  2. This is my favorite way to prepare potatoes. I also do an easy no brainer dinner by adding chicken thighs, lemon wedges and rosemary, a great one pan entre. Can’t wai to read your lamb post.

  3. I’ve never added water when I’ve made them. I par boil the taters for a few mins first, drain and give them a shake. Probably not very Greek to do so, but then I’ve never had a recipe till now! Always yummy though, and I just use oregano and lemon with the olive oil…..Right now – I want Greek roasted potatoes at 7.30am LOL

  4. Stop! Stop! You’re killing us here!! :o) These look absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. I do somethign similar with unpeeled, halved new potatoes, garlic and olive oil. It’s truly the best thing a potato can become :)

  5. I love roast potatoes and these look exceptionally good! I tend to only have them at my parent’s house, opting for baked potatoes most of the time. I must treat myself soon!

  6. nothing like roasted greek potatoes!
    For Easter, I baked them with lamb shanks and garlic on top of the ingrendients you just mentioned! They were to die for!

  7. Roast potatoes, one of my favorite topics! I read somewhere that if you par-boil them a touch first, then run the tines of a fork over their surfaces to fluff them up a bit, they have even more edges to crisp. Worth a try even if it goes against traditional Greek custom?

  8. “You know you love them, you crave them – you want them more than the main course. You adore that golden-brown colour, the edges just slightly burnt, crispy.”

    it’s like you took the words right out of my mouth. amen.

  9. What ratio of potatoes to lemon ratio would you suggest? Trying not to over or under whelm the taste buds with lemon flavor. Thanks!!

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